How to you move a part of an SVN repository into a new repository?

To move the contents of a complete SVN repository into a new repository, one has to dump the old repository first:

svnadmin dump /path/to/repository > repository-name.dmp

and then load it into the new one using svnadmin load.

But I'm not sure how to just move a part. Do I still have to dump the whole thing? Do I grep for the part that I want?

To just dump myproject, I tried this, but it didn't work:

svnadmin dump /path/to/repository/myproject
  • 1
    Or does this belong on serverfault.com?
    – dehmann
    Apr 8, 2010 at 19:37
  • 1
    .. I think you'd probably find the answer on serverfault, but I think these days there are enough "power users" using SVN on their local machines for it to be worth leaving here. It got votes! Apr 28, 2010 at 4:54

2 Answers 2


You need to use svndumpfilter for stuff like this. In particular svndumpfilter include. So for your case:

svndumpfilter include myproject < repository-name.dmp > myproject.dmp
svnadmin load /path/to/myproject-repo < myproject.dmp




If your repository is hosted at an URL you can use svnrdump to dump a sub-folder of the repository:

svnrdump dump http://svn.example.com/repos/[.../]project

where repos is the root of the repository and project is the sub-folder that you want to dump.

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