On Mac OS X, its native dictionary application works well for me (especially the added Japanese dictionary in Leopard). I am looking for an equivalent English dictionary software on Windows. I have tried online solutions such as "define:Google" in Google and other websites but my internet connection doesn't allow prompt result, so an offline solution is better for me.

A free software is welcome. Also international support (Japanese, Thai, ...) is a plus.

  • There are currently close votes for this Q, I don't think it should be closed & deleted, if anything it could be moved to softwarerecs.stackexchange.com
    – Xen2050
    Jan 21, 2016 at 23:51

3 Answers 3


Wordweb (Free for personal use)

  • Nice find!
    – alex
    Aug 31, 2009 at 16:18
  • Great application! Allow me to wait for more answers before accepting yours. Thanks.
    – puri
    Aug 31, 2009 at 16:43

Babiloo is free and open source. It supports formats of other dictionary applications as well so you can import a myriad of dictionaries.

  • Runs on most of the platforms, Windows, Linux, MacOS, Nokia S60 (>1.9).
  • Supports dictionaries in SDictionary, and StarDict formats.
  • HTML displaying for the supported dictionaries.
  • Able to download more dictionaries within the application.
  • Translated into more than 30 languages

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StarDict is another popular one:

Note: In 2016, this message appears on the old StarDict site:

The original StarDict project has recently been removed from SourceForge due to copyright infringement reports. Most of the files were lost with the demise of the project. The project has re-emerged here since then, though the legal issues may never have been resolved.

StarDict hasn't seen any active development for many years, while the world around hasn't stood still. The following is the list of alternatives appeared during that time. You are advised to take a look and try them:

  • GoldenDict - designed as a StarDict successor, it supports its format, lots of other formats (Lingvo, Babylon etc), features tabbed browsing, morphology, live pronunciations, Wikipedia and so on. The program is constantly being improved and worked on.
  • Babiloo - a free open source software developed to read offline dictionaries. Runs on most platforms. Supports StarDict and SDictionary formats.
  • LightLang - another system of electronic dictionaries (Linux only).

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JaLingo is another one. It's written in Java making it highly portable:

alt text

  • I tried twice but I could not install this software. DOn't know why.
    – puri
    Aug 31, 2009 at 16:44
  • 3
    Added some more options for you.
    – user1931
    Aug 31, 2009 at 17:19

I have tried this one which is called MultiTran. It has demo version(absolutely free) and full version(with some costs). Demo version only restricts with number of words for each language, but it has no any trial period which is very good. Here are language database for demo version:

  1. English-Russian-English 1.000.000
  2. German-Russian-German 400.000
  3. French-Russian-French 150.000
  4. Spanish-Russian-Spanish 70.000
  5. Netherlands-Russian-Nether. 30.000
  6. Italian-Russian-Italian 67.000
  7. Estonian-Russian-Estonian 26.000
  8. Latvian-Russian-Latvian 25.000

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