I have both a .thunderbird and a .mozilla-thunderbird from an existing installation.

I installed Thunderbird 3.0b3 under Fedora 11, but it doesn't seem to see the email in either of those directories.

How can I restore my old settings and email?

3 Answers 3


You should be able to simply drop them into your home directory.


cp -r /media/USBStick/backup/.thunderbird ~
cp -r /media/USBStick/backup/.mozilla-thunderbird ~

make sure your applications also have sufficient read permissions to these files.

  • That's what I thought, but for some reason it's not working. Permissions are OK, and it's finding one account, but none of the other accounts or sub-folders.
    – chris
    Aug 26, 2009 at 2:51
  • try reconfiguring thunderbird with apt
    – user1931
    Aug 26, 2009 at 3:21

I always used cp --archive SOURCE TARGET/ to duplicate folder trees. The --archive option does everything as --recursive --no-dereference --preserve=all. Where --preserve=all includes mode, ownership, timestamps, context, links, and xattr.

There are too many soft links and ownership and permission details that a straight cp -r does not accomplish.


Basically the same as Saint DanBert, but I usually use tar.

  1. tar -cvzf thunder.tar.gz .mozilla-thunderbird/ .mozilla/
  2. move it to the new computer
  3. tar -xvzf thunder.tar.gz

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