Suppose I have a file on my folder checked by subversion.

Now, If I start to edit the file (I mean, I see the yellow cue ball on it) I'd like that other people that can access to this file through svn can't open and edit it.

Is it possible?

1 Answer 1


You can request a lock on it. People would be able to edit their local copy but can't commit until lock is release. So they need to wait for your commit, then update/merge and commit after that.

If this is difficult file type to merge, it would be good that everybody request lock on the file before starting any modification, so that if someone has already a lock, other user would know that prior to edition.

  • Oh, looks interesting. How can I do this?
    – markzzz
    Jun 16, 2011 at 8:03
  • "Get Lock" menu item of tortoise :D
    – M'vy
    Jun 16, 2011 at 8:06
  • But Can I do it automatically every time I start to edit a file?
    – markzzz
    Jun 16, 2011 at 8:17
  • Probably not. By the way, you should use that technique for last resort cases only with file that can't afford being merged (because of difficulty to do it). It is not a mean to avoid doing merges! Do not do it for a source file / text file! Your collaborators will thank you for this.
    – M'vy
    Jun 16, 2011 at 8:24
  • uhm...I don't know about merge. The problem is when I try to commit my local copy of a file that has been edited by another user. Example: I checkout it, I edit it (and I don't commit it). Meanwhile another user checkout it, edit it and commit it. Now, I can't commit my version. Merge can resolve this trouble?
    – markzzz
    Jun 16, 2011 at 8:29

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