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Software for “relationship graphs”

Is there any good tool for drawing trees similar to those found in data structure books? I have searched Google but all of the tools like Visio, Dia, are general tools and drawing trees with them takes too much time.

  • If you could link to an example screenshot, that would be most awesome. I have a difficult time knowing exactly what you mean by "tree" (mindmap, decision "tree" (flow diagram), etc.).
    – Hendy
    Jul 20, 2011 at 20:39

2 Answers 2


GraphViz is a processor from text to a picture. You type in code in a text editor, and it generates a tree/graph for you. See also gallery and guide.

In the text you write, you specify how the nodes relate to each other (child -> parent), and then graphviz tries to draw it as neatly as possible.


If you're looking for a tool for drawing graphs (every tree is a graph), then you might check out JGraph. It supports directed and undirected, and has many options for configuration.

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