Windows XP Home Premium with SP3 500MB RAM 2.9 GHz Processor 50GB free space on HD

My sister's PC takes ages to boot up so she asked me to look at it...

Upon inspection within task manager it appears that about 40 instances of the volume control seem to be open in the task manager applications tab? These subsequently correspond to about 40 sndvol32.exe processes in the processes tab.

So this would seem to be why her computer takes ages to start but why these volume files are appearing so much i do not know?

Any ideas/thoughts appreciated?

  • Any particular reason why this is community-wiki?
    – RJFalconer
    Jan 1, 2010 at 15:52
  • Erm no none whatsoever i have unticked the community Wiki checkbox for all future posts - thanks
    – Paul
    Feb 20, 2010 at 8:18

2 Answers 2


get Autoruns and clean up the startup routine then.

also have a look at Blackviper's service tweak guide.

  • Thanks - Autoruns works nicely and my sister is now happy again
    – Paul
    Feb 20, 2010 at 8:19
  • you're most welcome.
    – Molly7244
    Feb 20, 2010 at 13:06

If I start sndvol32.exe before the system has fully started, I find I get multiple instances of it running.

If it's in startup, take it out.

If you want to get rid of the sndvol32.exe processes, run

taskkill /f /im sndvol32.exe

from Start → Run, or a command prompt.

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