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Remote into Linux workstation behind a firewall

I want to access a computer in location A that is behind a proxy server. I do not have administrator access to the router at this location (so I can't forward ports to this location). Is there any way to access this computer from another location B? By access I mean any form of access : Remote access or SSH or any other way.

  • Depends on what ports are open through the proxy... Aug 23, 2011 at 18:01

1 Answer 1


Teamviewer uses a relay to get around this. You may also want to look into other programs that do this, such as Tonido, LogMeIn, and Opera Unite.

  • +1 for logmein, I have used their service for a while and have no complaints. Aug 23, 2011 at 18:13
  • How do I identify this computer in location A from location B. It does not have a public IP. I think it is behind a NAT server
    – AnkurVj
    Aug 23, 2011 at 18:35
  • These options usually associate your computer with an account or provided URL. For example, teamviewer gives you a nine digit ID and a four-digit PIN to log in with.
    – digitxp
    Aug 23, 2011 at 18:36

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