I'm looking for a method to quickly create a Plain Text Table in the MS Office suite (e.g. a line would be replaced with the dash format "------" ? Creating a standard HTML supported table and then applying a conversion would suffice.

Thanks, F.

  • 2
    Wondering the whys of the emacs tag :) Aug 30, 2011 at 11:24
  • I know that emacs has some interesting plug-ins that support plain text table generation so I'm hoping that there is a simpler "windows" based conversion tool/method available.
    – Finbar Leahy
    Aug 30, 2011 at 11:35

1 Answer 1


Create an Excel document with the data. That allows you to export the current sheet as HTML (not pretty).

An alternative is to copy the data into the clipboard (Ctrl+C) and use a small program which reads the clipboard as "text/html".

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