I've been looking all around the web for a good IRC client. Sure, there are some out there, but they all look terrible in terms of design. Being a designer myself, I like having applications that deliver eye-candy.

Things I've tried, which I hated the design for:

  • MIRC
  • X-CHAT

Design elements that I love:

  • Microsoft's Metro interface
  • Microsoft Office Ribbon interface (as seen in Office 2007 or later)
  • WPF-based applications that deliver great looks

Do you have any suggestions?

While this may be interpreted as a subjective matter, I believe it's not. I'd like an IRC client with some of the design elements above that I like.

1 Answer 1


The only WPF based irc client i know of is floe. I'd say though, IRC clients looking dated, are a reflection of the fact that its a simple, old protocol, and over time, those design elements have become standard cause they work.

I'd also suggest taking a look at this discussion thread on deviantart - one of the users is working on a metro style client

I've tested floe and it wasn't bad. The other one, no. I personally stick to xchat with a custom (black) gtk theme myself.

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