How to install Filder on Ubuntu 11.10 ? Or can someone suggest me other software, I need to monitor TCP from just one IP address.


2 Answers 2


To monitor TCP packets arriving at my computer from one source address I would use tcpdump

 tcpdump host foo

To view HTTP requests and responses I would prefer to use Wireshark's "follow tcp stream" feature. You can probably install it using apt-get wireshark or by using Synaptic

  • Wireshark is useful, but for day-to-day HTTP debugging, I find it too low-level. Oct 26, 2011 at 9:48

You can't, really. What I did was to install Virtualbox, and make a WinXP virtual machine in it. I run Fiddler there, and connect to it as to a normal proxy, from the host computer. This has the extra requirement of a Windows license, but It Works.

See also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1617536/http-debugging-proxy-for-linux-and-mac , https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4355320/is-there-a-standard-alternative-to-fiddler-fiddler2-for-linux and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2040642/linux-alternative-to-fiddler2


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