I like to have a screen session set up with two windows side by side (Ctrl+A | key combo). The issue is that sometimes I need to run a server that starts a screen session in the foreground of one of my screen sessions. So now I have a screen session in another screen session. When I try to detach the inner screen (Ctrl+A d), it detaches the outerscreen.

Is there any solution to detaching only the screen in the outer screen session?

Thanks, Max

1 Answer 1


The screen man page explains

   C-a a       (meta)        Send the command character (C-a)  to  window.
                             See escape command.

So you should be able to detach the inner screen by typing C-a a d (without spaces).

  • Its been a year, but THANKS!!!
    – jeremy
    Jan 18, 2013 at 4:56

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