I find myself in a lot of situations where I need to download the latest version of a document from sharepoint, or checkout a sharepoint document, make a small change, and then check the document back in. I find the website interface to be quite clunky for stuff like this, largely because I use firefox (bad with sharepoint) and keyboard launchers (instead of mousing around.)

Is there anyway to make a shortcut I can just run to checkout a specific sharepoint document without going through the web browser? Am I better off using Colligo Contributor or similar software to accomplish this? Can anyone recommend any software Sharepoint clients?

4 Answers 4


Microsoft Word 2003 and higher.

The whole Microsoft Office 2003+ suite is especially built to handle SharePoint documents. Opening the files directly from the Library and Saving them will automatically activate the versioning.

You can map a drive to the SharePoint library your accessing and work with the files as you would normally, and SharePoint will handle the versioning in the background. In SharePoint there is a menu option to open the library in Explorer which will give you the path to map.

There is no clients for SharePoint with regards to versioning as it is actually a very small part of SharePoint's feature set.


To find the folder your sharepoint files are in, open your sharepoint site with Internet Explorer. Click Actions, Open with Windows Explorer.


As the others have said - you can either open the doc library in Explorer (this will also add the location to your list of network locations) or map a drive and use the features built into newer versions of Office.

Another option is a 3rd party app from Colligo. They have a number of offline solutions for SharePoint - I think only the "Reader" is free though.


Try SharePoint Workspace 2010 (included with office 2010, can be installed separately from 2013) - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee649102(v=office.14).aspx

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