
I want to compare two cells in Excel. Both have a certain value. I want to select the cell with the smaller value and use that in a formula.

For example:

  • Cell E1 is 961.454 and cell E3 is 962.22
  • Cmpare E1 and E3
  • E1 is smaller, now I want to reference E1 in a formula, e.g. E1-C4*D4

Example data:

A       B        C         D       E
963.24  1.7      65.5      0.004   961.454
964.16  1.7      0         0       962.46
963.24  1.7      60        0.004   962.22
963.4   1.7      98        0.004   961.828
963.04  1.7      80        0.004   961.508
  • 1
    Syed, what you're asking isn't clear enough. You say "when I get a smaller value", not when I get the SMALLEST value. Also the relationship between the smaller value and using the next row in your calculation isn't clear and any answer you get won't assist you in this. Until you provide some additional context none of the solutions will assist you.
    – Jesse
    Feb 5, 2012 at 21:54

3 Answers 3


You can use =MIN(E1,E3) to get the minimum value between 2 or more cells {=MAX() gives you the maximum value between 2 or more cells}

You can use min in your calculations: =MIN(E1, E3) - C4 * D4.


The Excel function MIN() can be used to retrieve the lowest value.

963.24  1.7 65.5    0.004   961.454  =MIN(E2:E6)      =F2-(C4*D4)
964.16  1.7 0       0       962.46   961.454          961.062
963.24  1.7 60      0.004   962.22      
963.4   1.7 98      0.004   961.828     
963.04  1.7 80      0.004   961.508     
  • 2
    Check your formatting please, just pasting a block of text isn't really helping much. Could you edit and elaborate how this answers the question please?
    – slhck
    Oct 18, 2012 at 9:42

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