When copying/merging large directory structures under Windows, is it possible to do something like "Yes to all" but in reverse so that all existing files are not overwritten?

There is a similar functionality when using tools like rsync, but that is not a native process on Windows.

  • just rsync from local machine to local machine? Whats wrong with a non-native process? Mar 20, 2012 at 14:18
  • @conspiritech - can't rely on being able to install rsync everywhere :)
    – warren
    Mar 20, 2012 at 18:26

3 Answers 3


In Vista and Windows 7, there's an option on the Copy/Don't Copy dialog to Do this for the next N conflicts. And here's another site (How to Say ‘No to All’ During File Copy Operations in Windows) that mentions the option to shift+click the No option in the GUI, with screen shots.


You can press "Shift" key and then click on the "No" button to enable "No to All" choice according to this article (which has a number of other useful tips).


This is called no clobber in unix, I haven't found a way to do it in the command line for windows, but if you're using a GUI, hold SHIFT when you click no, http://www.imaginaryplanet.net/weblogs/idiotprogrammer/2005/06/copy-overwrite-no-to-all/

for command line

Make the destination files read-only, then use /Y in the copy command? Then you could un-set the read only flag afterward, if necessary. http://whrl.pl/RTc36

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