I have the following module:

include stdlib
class pulseaudio-zeroconf {
        package { "pulseaudio-module-zeroconf":
                ensure => installed

        file_line { "pulseaudiozeroconfdiscoverentry":
                path => "/etc/pulse/default.pa",
                line => "load-module module-zeroconf-discover",
                ensure => present,

The package pulseaudio-module-zeroconf is installed but somehow file_line has no effect on /etc/pulse/default.pa.

We know for sure that the module is executed: If we introduce an error to the module, puppet throws an error.

OS: Ubuntu 12.04 with Puppet 2.7.11

Puppetmaster: Debian Squeeze with Puppet 2.7.17 and stdlib 2.3.2 (we tested several versions)

1 Answer 1


We managed to solve this issue by enabling pluginsync in the puppet config on the puppethosts.


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