I recently installed Windows 8 from MSDN. I used to install Linux within Windows in my Windows operating systems.

But when I tried to install my Ubuntu 10.10 with Wubi installer the option to install with wubi was disabled.

Help me to install Ubuntu with Wubi installer on Windows 8 if Windows 8 supports it. If it does not, please recommend any other alternative to Wubi. I use Wubi mainly because I can easily remove the Linux operating system.

  • You could try installing in a virtual machine. You have the full linux functionality and it is very easy to uninstall.
    – terdon
    Aug 18, 2012 at 14:28
  • @vignesh4303 I did read recently that Ubuntu were thinking of getting rid of Wubi, in their next release 13.04
    – Simon
    Apr 19, 2013 at 12:05

1 Answer 1


First of all I would say the correct question is does WUBI support Windows 8. I built a program a while back called BEeN GRUBed. Completely Open Source and I consider it to be WUBI on crack. It even works when installing Linux from Windows 9x systems.


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