How can I convert a 3D video file from one format to another? Let's say I want to convert a side-by-side formatted file to frame sequential.

  • In Super User, and all the StackExchange sites, shopping or product recommendations are considered off topic and open ended, and sometimes even too localized. Try to reword your question in a way that you are not asking for products, but more of processes; this will help keep it on topic Oct 31, 2012 at 17:36
  • @Luke I have rephrased my question, and would very much like it to be reopened if possible. Thank you. Oct 31, 2012 at 17:52

1 Answer 1


I have found Bino, which is a multiplatform free video player which supports following input/output modes (and switching between them):

Input layouts:

  • Monoscopic (2D) video
  • Left and right view in separate video streams and/or files
  • Left and right view side by side (optionally with half width)
  • Left and right view on top of each other (optionally with half height)
  • Left and right view in alternating rows

Output techniques:

  • Anaglyph glasses (red/cyan, green/magenta, amber/blue). This works with every display. Bino uses the high-quality Dubois method to produce anaglyph images. This gives far better results than the usual full-color and half-color methods.
  • Left and right view side by side (used by some 3D displays)
  • Left and right view on top of each other (used by some 3D displays)
  • Left and right view in alternating rows or columns (used by some 3D displays)
  • OpenGL quad-buffered stereo (only available with some graphics cards)
  • It seems to play 3D video files nicely – but any idea on how to save the output? It says it uses ffmpeg libraries but I had no luck using ffmpeg cli myself for that purpose. One problem was that it would halve the fps when using the stereo filter -vf stereo3d=ar:sbsl to get a left-right version. This seems to fit the notion that it does not know about MVC codec and ignores the second frame part.
    – dedeibel
    Mar 17, 2019 at 19:31

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