Where can I found the driver ? The integration services disk (vmguest.iso) not support Windows 8, but there are two unknown devices on devices manager, and only Microsoft Basic Display Adapter....

2 Answers 2


Where can I found the driver ?

What driver?

The integration services disk (vmguest.iso) not support Windows 8,

We,, 2008R2 has no proper RemoteFx anyway. But the baseline here is - why do you have the delusion you need to install a driver? Since Windows 7 Windows comes iwth the most current version of theintegration services. Just install windows 8, the drivers are part of it - the new ones for Server 2012.

but there are two unknown devices on devices manager, and only Microsoft Basic Display Adapter..

Smelly. You talk of RTM version Server 2012 and RTM version windows I would stay away from Server 2008 on this point - the new 2012 has lot better RemoteFx support. Install server, install graphics card driver on server, install client and you hsould have the lclient at leat not showing unknown drivers.

I am just looking on m main work VM and I see a "Microsoft Hyper-V Video" adapter installed. This is baseline - pur Windows 8, pathced up from Windows update, NO driver install, running on a Server 2012.

  • I'm using Server 2008R2, and run Windows 8 on Hyper-V. But there were problem with driver...so I delusion I need to install a driver for it....lol
    – user1663639
    Nov 3, 2012 at 9:57

Windows 8 pro doesnot come with remotefx drivers as Enterprise version is only remotefx supported version. So you will see 2 unknown devices in device manager.

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