To improve my feeling of security I recently switched my Windows 7 firewall to block all outbound connections. The only thing I can't seem to get to work is ping.exe.

I tried by creating custom rules to allow everything through from cmd.exe to ping.exe (both versions in the system32 and SysWOW64), but I had no luck so far.

1 Answer 1


The option that should be changed is protocol, not program. The steps are:

  1. Select all programs

  2. Select ICMPv4 from protocol

  3. Apply for any IP address.

  • But that would essentially open up my entire outbound connection again. The main reason I set it up this way was to prevent unwanted programs from constantly contacting all kinds of services.
    – Remko
    Nov 20, 2012 at 11:57
  • No it will only open up ICMP protocol connections. Actually that protocol is almost same as Ping program, no another programs use it.
    – Hans Chen
    Nov 20, 2012 at 12:00
  • Learned something today. Didn't knew the exact specifications of that protocol. Thanks!
    – Remko
    Nov 20, 2012 at 12:08
  • You are welcome. Good to hear the solution works.
    – Hans Chen
    Nov 20, 2012 at 12:24
  • 1
    You can also do it in PowerShell: New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow outbound ICMPv4 echo request" -Direction Outbound -Protocol ICMPv4 -IcmpType 8 -Action Allow
    – SpyNet
    Jan 10 at 17:08

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