I have a table:

ColA  |  ColB
  1       1
  2       1
  2       1
  3       1
  4       1
  5       1

I would like to sum ColB only once where ColA = 2.

Essentially, I would like to sum the values of ColB as if the table looked like

ColA  |  ColB
  1       1
  2       1
  3       1
  4       1
  5       1

So the sum of ColB should be 5 not 6

Any ideas on how I can do this?

This site got me close, but it doesn't add either of the ColB values for the rows where ColA = 2.

  • 2
    If we assume that A2 = 1, A3 = 2, and A4 also = 2, what do you want to have happen if B3B4? (Or are all the B values equal to 1? If so, you’re talking about a count rather than a sum.) Do you guarantee that the A values are sorted? Feb 5, 2013 at 1:45
  • if column A has a duplicate, then the adjacent value in column B will be the same as the corresponding value to the duplicate column Feb 5, 2013 at 3:14

3 Answers 3


Use unique filter with a simple =SUM formula

  1. Select your table (A1:B7)

  2. Go to: Menu Bar » Data » Filter » Special Filter

  3. Check No duplicates and Copy to another location

  4. Choose a single cell somewhere right to your table as Copy to location and press OK

  5. Insert a =SUM(E2:E6) formula below your new ColB values

    enter image description here

Note: This will only work if ColB values and corresponding ColA values are the same - like you said in your comment.


Introduce column C, assuming first row is labels, this formula starts in row 2


Copy down and do a Sumif on column B where column c = 1

=SUMIF(C:C,1,B:B) or



This single formula should give the required result


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