I ran "yum install ImageMagick" on our CentOS 6.3 server, which worked fine, but identify -version and convert don't work (-bash: /usr/local/bin/identify: No such file or directory).

I originally installed it through source based on ImageMagick.org's instructions (they said to do this if I didn't have a supported OS version, and theirs was only up to CentOS 5.8). That installed fine (though it was missing delegates so I figured it would be faster to just uninstall and try it through yum). I have no idea the proper way to fix this and I'm not sure if installing from source screwed something up. Do I just need to set paths or something?

  • I did notice that identify is in /usr/bin... not sure how to get it to point back to there for that. It should be checking both I suppose. May 20, 2013 at 20:54

1 Answer 1


Do a “hash -r” in your shell to clear the path cache. Your shell keeps the path to previously used commands to avoid seeking directories endlessly; it's a good thing, but what you stumbled upon is one of the rare instances where that mechanism fails.


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