I run Windows Server 2012 and when I log in the Open File window appears and it wants to start a .exe file. Where can I view the start up folder and disable all the start ups? Note that I want to disable the .exe file and not programs.

  • Want to exe files are not executed at all?)) Well, you can. There are a number of ways, and why? Or do you want to disable autorun?
    – STTR
    May 21, 2013 at 9:04
  • @STTR When I log in to automatically the Open File dialog opens and I want to remove that .exe file that was added to the startup folder/place. May 21, 2013 at 11:15
  • @SimonZettervall: You're welcome, I posted it as an answer below.
    – Karan
    May 22, 2013 at 14:06

1 Answer 1


Autoruns from Microsoft is naturally the utility "which has the most comprehensive knowledge of auto-starting locations of any startup monitor", and it supports Server 2003+.


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