Basically, I want the ability to connect one or more USB keyboards to a machine, and have each keyboard control a separate terminal emulator. Both keyboards would be in use at the same time. Mouse is not needed, x is not needed.

This may sound like a stupid idea, but it could be useful in the case where many students need to use a computer but the school does not have much money.



2 Answers 2


If you can live with X and mice, multiseating will suit your needs.

Multiseating at X.org
systemd and multiseating


I had the same requirement that I wanted to have several keyboards controlling different terminals. I did search internet a lot and I did even reach here but found no solutions.

And since I found no solution, I created Multi Key Term, one such program that Just Works™ :)

I know that this question is too old, but there could still be people looking for a solution.

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