How can you rename windows in Ubuntu?

I have a few terminals open. All of them have the name "Untitled window". I would like to rename them similarly as you can in Screen by C-A A.


3 Answers 3


The process is a little complex to explain here since it is different for every shell you use. Rather I'll give you two links:

There are a few other things to take into consideration. For a one time change common to all terminal sessions, you may want instead to simply alter Bash (if you use bash and under gnome) icon and add --title=title under Gnome.


For terminal windows I set

PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;xterm${XUSER} $$ ${USER}@${HOSTNAME}:${PWD}\007"'

in .bashrc (if $TERM is xterm or rxvt) to get pid, pwd et all in the window title. Further set XUSER=/someTask to put task related info into the terminal window title.


You could install and use xttitle (Note the doubled t in the name). I use it like this in a file sourced by my ~/.bashrc:

# from the "xttitle(1)" man page - put info in window title
    [ $TERM = xterm -o $TERM = xterm-color ] && xttitle "[$$] ${USER}@${HOSTNAME}:$PWD"

    [ -z "$*" ] && builtin cd $HOME
    [ -n "$*" ] && builtin cd "$*"

I also do this:

xttitle Mutt && mutt

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