I'm looking to find a way of mapping multiple simultaneous keypresses to one action. As an example something similar to hitting ctrl-option- at the same time but instead using just normal letters such as p-s-v. Pressing these keys simultaneously would perform some action.

I have downloaded both Ukelele and KeyRemap4Macbook but both only allow you to remap a single key--not including the special keys(ctrl,alt,etc).

How can I accomplish this?

1 Answer 1


You can use a private.xml like this with KeyRemap4MacBook:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <autogen>__SimultaneousKeyPresses__ KeyCode::Q, KeyCode::W, KeyCode::E</autogen>

For more than two keys, use @begin and @end:

KeyCode::Q, KeyCode::W, KeyCode::E

This would make pressing F and I simultaneously open Finder:

  <autogen>__SimultaneousKeyPresses__ KeyCode::F, KeyCode::I, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FINDER</autogen>

See https://raw.github.com/tekezo/KeyRemap4MacBook/master/Tests/lib/string/data/checkbox.xml for more examples.


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