I have a text file in json format and want to read it into Excel. A very simplified example of the json file has the following structure:

{ [
  { 'a': 10, 'b': 20 },
  { 'a': 20, 'b': 22 },
  { 'a': 11, 'b': 24 }
] }

I want to convert it to Excel in which each record becomes a row in excel with the selected parameters as the column headers.

  • 2
    Pardon my ignorance; which of the values above are the "records" and which are the "selected parameters"?
    – jrc03c
    Jul 8, 2010 at 20:42
  • A record would be { 'a': 10, 'b': 20 } and the parameters would be 'a' and 'b'. Jul 8, 2010 at 21:15
  • 2
    This may get a better response on stackoverflow.com
    – Daisetsu
    Jul 8, 2010 at 23:33

3 Answers 3


You can do this in VBA with the vba-json library. Here's an example of some code I copied:

Sub TestJsonDecode() 'This works, uses vba-json library 
    Dim lib As New JSONLib 'Instantiate JSON class object 
    Dim jsonParsedObj As Object 'Not needed 

    jsonString = "{'key1':'val1','key2':'val2'}" 
    Set jsonParsedObj = lib.parse(CStr(jsonString)) 

    For Each keyName In jsonParsedObj.keys 
        MsgBox "Keyname=" & keyName & "//Value=" & jsonParsedObj(keyName) 

    Set jsonParsedObj = Nothing 
    Set lib = Nothing 
End Sub 

Sub TestJsonEncode() 'This works, uses vba-json library 
    Dim lib As New JSONLib 'Instantiate JSON class object 
    Set arr = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 

    arr("key1") = "val1" 
    arr("key2") = "val2" 

    MsgBox lib.toString(arr) 
End Sub 
  • 1
    Not a great answer any more without google code being around to download this Oct 27, 2017 at 17:47
  1. Paste the JSON into json-csv.com.

  2. Download the resultant CSV file.

  3. Open the CSV file up in Excel.


Here are some example excel downloads with json excel connversion capabilities. You can do it straight from within excel.

(Page no longer available:) http://ramblings.mcpher.com/Home/excelquirks/json

You may be able to use the last version archived on the Wayback Machine at https://web.archive.org/web/20200217050634/http://ramblings.mcpher.com/Home/excelquirks/json

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