Sometimes we need to view large files - 30M-100M.

Usually we use FAR viewer for this. Sometimes we need to copy to clipboard long traces from this file. But it is possible to copy only one screen in FAR viewer.

What can be used for this purpose?
It should be GUI and freeware.

UPDATE: We need to have ability navigate over the file and see updates of the file in the meantime (eg tail -f)


8 Answers 8


My two cents:

  • UltraEdit - a text editor I have been using for a while, opens large files with relative ease
  • baretail - a great tail program with highlighting and multiple tabs
  • baretail is good!
    – user20988
    Dec 18, 2009 at 11:39

You can open very large files in a standard web browser without issues.

  • 2
    I need to see updates of the file without refreshing the browser.
    – user20988
    Dec 17, 2009 at 17:00

Notepad++ should have no problems opening files of that size.

  • Does it have "tail -f" feature?
    – user20988
    Dec 17, 2009 at 16:47
  • 6
    notepad++ is horrible on large files. Compare it to opening the same file in Textpad. If you want tail -f functionality try baremetalsoft.com/baretail
    – duckworth
    Dec 17, 2009 at 16:53
  • We need both - to have ability navigate over the file and see updates of the file in the meantime(tail -f )
    – user20988
    Dec 17, 2009 at 16:57

You can install Cygwin and use all the usual Linux tools, including 'tail -f'.

  • FAR have this feature not only linux tools.
    – user20988
    Dec 17, 2009 at 16:53

I use the text editor Vim, which runs under lots of operating systems and (in my experience, anyway) deals very well with large files. You can pick it up here:


Any text editor, though, is going to choke a bit on a file of that size. Is there any way you can filter the file down to the size you need? If there is a string all the traces you need contain, you are probably best served by reducing the file to lines containing that string, which is a quick operation:

c:\> find "2009/04/07" tracefile.txt > 20090407.txt
  • There is no "tail -f" feature in Vim.
    – user20988
    Dec 17, 2009 at 17:20
  • But vim recognizes a change of the file opened and asks you if you want to do a reload.
    – tangens
    Dec 17, 2009 at 19:20
  • File will be updated very frequently. And I do not want to answer on the questions of the vim.
    – user20988
    Dec 18, 2009 at 11:19

Not a GUI tool, but you can use PowerShell, too. Here's a link that will help: http://www.eggheadcafe.com/software/aspnet/30168576/any-command-like-the-tail.aspx


Tail4Win might be exactly what you're looking for but it ain't free.


Consider WinTail - it'll perform all the Tail functionality that you need, as well as handle large files.


  • >>WinTail allows you to view the last 64K of a growing text file in real time under Win32 operating systems. But we need to see all file not only last 64K.
    – user20988
    Dec 17, 2009 at 16:54

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