I am a Windows intermediate user and I have recently installed Linux Mint 13 Maya 32-bit version on my laptop. Earlier my major activities in my Windows box were:

  • Connecting to internet, wifi, VPN etcetera
  • Doing RDC
  • Accessing shared folders.

I am able to achieve the first 2 things. The last one, I am puzzled as how to access a Windows shared folder from my Linux Mint laptop.

Note: There is no Virtual box here. My laptop has only Linux mint. I am just trying to access a remote windows shared folder.

In windows I used to do this.

Goto run and type the command

 \\<system name>

Here, how can I do that? Any simple way or tools?

4 Answers 4


Assuming your network is properly configured, you should be able to just click on the server name from your file manager:

enter image description here

In the best case scenario, roperly configured" just means you have run this command:

sudo apt-get install cifs-utils

For more information, see here.


This is what worked for me (mint 17):

sudo mount -t cifs // -o username=USER,password=PASS /home/user/mnt/

With the proper filesystem driver, you can mount Windows SMB shares as with any other type of remote fileshare; I gather Mint calls the package cifs-tools, and once installed you should be able to do something approximating mount -t cifs '\\path\to\share' /mnt/share and get the expected result.

For a more FTP/SFTP-style interface, there's also smbclient, which is probably packaged under that name or something close to it. If you only need to grab a file off the share every now and then, smbclient may suffice; for any more frequent usage than that, I definitely recommend installing cifs-tools and mounting the share.


I have been using NFS and CIFS for decade(s)... but I ran into an issue where I could not get a volume mounted through normal CIFS...

I found a utility called SMB4K that is a package you can install.

smb4k screen shot

Works like a dream. Mounts the CIFS under your home directory and puts an icon down in your menubar that allows you to control it.

Works like a dream. I use it under MINT (with UBUNTU). Auto-starts and auto-mounts every time I restart my workstation.

Cheers! -D

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