I think I managed to break my Snow Leopard shell, but I'm not sure. Is there a way to reset all env variables to default?

  • What exactly did you do?
    – user1931
    Jan 7, 2010 at 8:09
  • And what is the error?
    – Felix
    Jan 7, 2010 at 8:22
  • I was trying to install Sphinx4 from src. I changed a whole bunch of env variables to use the specific java library, but in the process made some bad changes so now no java program runs. Jan 7, 2010 at 10:03

2 Answers 2


Close terminal and re-open a new one. Any environments variables you set in the last session will be gone.

If the problem persists, you probably edited ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile; edit them again and remove any changes (or if you want to get right back to the default OS X state, just remove them completely - a default OS X install has these files empty or non-existent).


One of the following:

  • Exit the shell and start it again.
  • Log out and log in.
  • . /etc/bash.bashrc
  • . ~/.bashrc
  • exec bash -i

The two that start with "dot" source your startup files which will reset some of your environment variables (but may make your $PATH variable longer - probably with no consequences).

  • Isn't it ~/.bashrc, not ./bashrc? Jan 7, 2010 at 13:37

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