At my office I was given a pac file in order to connect to our proxy. The pac file is just a bunch of ignore-this-internal-site-and-that-local-site along with a proxy for other connections, let's call it proxyname.office.uni.ac.za:3125 (there is no http:// or something simmilar in the link).

My problem is that the proxy requires a username and password. When set system wide through either the configuration url (using the pac file) or plainly with the raw proxy, Linux Mint proxy settings

some programs play nice (like Chrome and Firefox) and dislays a username/password dialog as soon as they open. Other programs such as apt-get and most basically everything just can't connect. Dropbox at least gives username and password fields in its proxy settings, enter image description here

but still can't function correcly when trying to use the system-wide settings.

I have tried the following without results:

Is there any way to set this proxy system wide with a preset username/password? Or is there any program that can maybe setup a new proxy (let's say localhost:1234) proxying the other username/password proxy with it's username/password preset. Or is there something else I can try or have missed?

  • squid (with cache_peers configuration) + iptables (to create transparent proxy) Jan 26, 2016 at 23:32
  • Which Linux distro? Can you use this Ubuntu solution, or the proxy-login-automator?
    – harrymc
    Jan 27, 2016 at 18:13
  • I am using Mint 17.3. I have a bit of a deadline so @ssnobody, I will check squid and iptables probably over the weekend, thanks. Jan 28, 2016 at 8:50
  • @harrymc, I will try the proxy-login-automation and give feedback. Jan 31, 2016 at 5:01
  • End up figuring anything out? Mar 26, 2016 at 17:53

1 Answer 1


I had same problem, so i created the tool proxy-login-automator

Just following the example, you can create a fake local proxy server which forward requests to the real yet auto inject user/password.

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