Running an application as a different user (e.g. domain admin account) from the start menu (by shift + right-clicking the application) used to be an option in Windows 7 & XP.

However, I can't find that option in Windows 10. The workaround seems to be either 1) to find the application in Windows Explorer (shift + right-click) or 2) use runas.exe from the command line.

However, in order to use those workarounds, I have look up the executable name first. It's a bit difficult because I don't have the name of every RSAT tool or executable name memorized.

(e.g. "Active Directory Users and Computers" is dsa.msc, "Routing and Remote Acces" is rrasmgmt.msc)

Is there a simpler way to do this?


4 Answers 4

  1. Open Registry Editor by pressing Windows + R key combination, type in regedit and press Enter. If prompted by UAC, click on Yes to continue.
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer - If you do not find this key, then right click and add the Explorer key under Windows and add DWORD value ShowRunasDifferentuserinStart
  3. In right-side pane, right click on ShowRunasDifferentuserinStart key and then click Modify.
  4. Enter 1 as the value in Value data box
  5. Click Ok to save the setting.
  6. Close Registry Editor. Restart the system.

After rebooting, you should have the "Run as different user option", sometimes under the "More" drop down.

I've done this on several domain joined and non domain joined PCs, works like a charm.

Source: windows10update.com

  • Nice find. I comment both Moses and ThoAppelsin with this. I got the registry setting by following the config panel find by ThoAppelsin. So I seem to be configured, but even after a reboot this thingy does not work. Perhaps there's some other setting (policy) that says 'if stupid user' (me) then don't allow Run-As anyway..?
    – reben
    Sep 26, 2018 at 21:29

You just right click on the shortcut.

enter image description here

You can also create a shortcut and use "runas" same as any version of Windows as explained in this answer by Chris Dwyer

  1. Right-click > New > Shortcut
  2. For Target, type "runas /user:ComputerName\administrator program.exe"


To create a shortcut using the runas command


You can also use StartIsBack++ to get the functionality again.

enter image description here

If a program like StartIsBack++ cannot be used you can enable the behavior with the by setting the Start Menu and Taskbar Show "Run as different user" command on Start group policy to Enabled

enter image description here

enter image description here

Related - How to Add or Remove "Run as different user" on "Start" Application Bar in Windows 8 and 8.1

  • I did not downvote, but I do have improvement suggestions: Your answer (set the group policy option) is great and helped me (have an upvote for that), but (1) it is hidden below irrelevant stuff (how do I "run as administrator" - that was not the question) and a (unnecessary, as your group policy answer shows) third-party software recommendation. (2) The only way to find out which policy to set is by deciphering your scaled-down screenshot. My suggestion would be to start your answer from scratch, describe in simple steps how to set the group policy option. You can keep the screenshot, ...
    – Heinzi
    Feb 23, 2018 at 8:52
  • ...but don't scale it and crop it to the relevant upper left-hand portion. Those other, mostly-empty screenshots don't add any value and make your answer harder to read. If you want to mention your alternative solutions as well, that's fine, but do that below your actual solution.
    – Heinzi
    Feb 23, 2018 at 8:53
  • I removed information that could identify me. I won’t be changing the screenshots. Running as an Administrator, is potentially running an application, as another user. I wrote out which policy to enable, my screenshot, is just a visual illustration.
    – Ramhound
    Feb 23, 2018 at 11:30
  • You did not mention that it was under User Configuration/Administrative Templates - that can only be seen in the screenshot. About the other screenshots: Not problem, it's your answer - I only gave feedback because you explicitly asked for it (in a now deleted comment).
    – Heinzi
    Feb 23, 2018 at 12:02

There is another (probably new) solution to enable this functionality, which is far more simple than the other ones offered. Simply navigate to the Settings > Update & security > For developers, and under the Windows Explorer one can see a list of things that can be applied.

That list of things that you may apply, might be a little hard to understand at the first look, but I believe it works like this: If it is grayed-out, then it means that that particular thing is already like that (enabled), and hitting the Apply will enable the ones that are not grayed-out and are currently selected.

Following that description I've just made up, if one wants to enable just the Change policy to show Run as different user in Start, he/she has to remove the checks from all the others and hit the Apply.

And finally, here's a screenshot of the particular setting I am talking about:

enter image description here

  • Nice find. I comment both Moses and ThoAppelsin with this. I got the registry setting by following the config panel find by ThoAppelsin. So I seem to be configured, but even after a reboot this thingy does not work. Perhaps there's some other setting (policy) that says 'if stupid user' (me) then don't allow Run-As anyway..?
    – reben
    Sep 26, 2018 at 21:30

As long as the Secondary Logon service (seclogon) is running, the following code blocks permit a combination of Batch and VBScript files to automate the task. the batch file uses relative path references to allow the files to be places into any path that allows at least read permission by the current and selected user accounts. Both files should be located within the same path. The use of ShellExecute with a verb of runasuser causes Windows to bring up a prompt to allow the user to select from any logon method allowed by the host computer.

This process can be added to a users startup processes so that it occurs once logged into a computer system.

Batch file: {RunAsUser}{CMD}.cmd

@Echo Off

If "%~1" NEQ "/CALLBACK" Goto :label_Process_Run_As_User

REM Start the process once running as designated user

cd C:\
start "" %~dp0cmd.lnk

Goto :EOF


REM Section below verifies if Secondary Login is available

REM Query [Secondary Logon]
sc query seclogon 1> nul 2> nul || (
    Goto :label_Missing_Secondary_Login

REM Check to see if [Secondary Logon] service is not disabled
sc qc seclogon | Find /i "START_TYPE" | Find /i "DISABLED" 1> nul 2> nul && (
    Set flg.SecLog.Enabled=F
) || (
    Set flg.SecLog.Enabled=T

REM Check to see if [Secondary Logon] service is Running
sc queryex seclogon | Find /i "STATE" | Find /i "RUNNING" 1> nul 2> nul && (
    Set flg.SecLog.Running=T
) || (
    Set flg.SecLog.Running=F

REM Determine if action should work
If /i "%flg.SecLog.Enabled%:%flg.SecLog.Running%" EQU "F:F" Goto :label_Secondary_Login_Unavailable

REM Section below starts the RunAsUser process

REM System configuration was validateed and RunAsUser will commence

Set "str.SELF=%~0"

WSCRIPT /E:VBSCRIPT "%~dp0RunAsUser.txt"

Goto :EOF

REM Section below provides written notices to user for error conditions

Echo Unable to utilize the Secondary Logon system service because it is disabled.
Goto :EOF

Echo Unable to find the Secondary Logon system service
Goto :EOF

VBScript file: RunAsUser.txt

' Launch Process RunAsUser
CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("PROCESS")("str.SELF"), "/CALLBACK", "", "runasuser", 1
' Display a message box to pause script
msgbox "Enter username or select Certificate for account" & vbCrLf & "On the windows dialog that will popup." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Click OK once process opens", vbokonly
' Quit the script
On Error Resume Next
Window.Close ' HTA Must be Closed Through the Window Object
Wscript.Quit ' VBS Must be Closed Through the Wscript Object
On Error Goto 0
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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