
I have a directory with many subdirectories which themselves have subdirectories and so on recursively. I need to get a list of all paths of compressed files in that directory recursively and write that list to a text file.

And then compress files from this txt


1 Answer 1


DIR /S *.ZIP >mytextfile.txt

  • not zip files, files that compressed native by windows, cmd: compact technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490884.aspx It can be any compressed type exe,txt,jpg ....
    – AntonyGF
    Jul 18, 2016 at 9:01
  • Same as superuser.com/questions/732178/… but i need full path to text. So if somefile change to compress them again cd /d "C:\Some folder" compact | findstr /c:" 1 C" working show only names win7 for /f "tokens=9,*" %A in ('"compact | findstr /c:" 1 C" "') do @dir /b "%A*%B" 2>nul show all files - so not working
    – AntonyGF
    Jul 18, 2016 at 9:21

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