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Monitor all and any internet traffic from my home PC - what should I use?

I have a wierd problem here. I'm running Windows Vista, connected to the internet through a 3G key.

Sometimes I go to see how much data is being downloaded and I find 200kb/s even if I'm not using the internet. I closed all softwares like antivirus and everything and still the internet is being consumed. Thank god I only pay by the month.

Is there a tool for PC to monitor the programs that are using my connection?



1 Answer 1


Usually firewall software can do this. I use Sunbelt Personal Firewall on Windows XP, but it doesn't work perfectly on Vista (and definitely doesn't run on 7). I think it is still good for monitoring traffic, though. If it doesn't work, try some of the software here: http://www.thefreecountry.com/security/firewalls.shtml

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