I have a macbook pro with a Portuguese keyboard and I don't have the { key. Can I bind { to another key?

If so how?

  • Welcome to SU, Carlos! I'm curious how you wrote this post. Can you just do whatever you did for that, permanently?
    – Pops
    May 28, 2010 at 15:59
  • 1
    I presume he copy and pasted from another site or text. I don't think that would be an optimal solution. ;-)
    – ghoppe
    May 28, 2010 at 17:06
  • I guess no C/Java programming for you, eh? Time to take up Lisp instead? :-) May 28, 2010 at 17:26

2 Answers 2


After playing with the built-in keyboard viewer and the Portuguese keyboard layout, it looks like Option/alt+Shift+8 and Option/alt+Shift+9 will type a { and }, respectively.

You can enable the keyboard viewer in System Preferences → Language and Text → Input Sources. Check "Keyboard & Character Viewer" at the top of the list, and check "Show Input menu in menu bar". This will put a new menu in your menu bar where you can enable the keyboard viewer. You can hold down Shift, Option, or Ctrl and the on-screen keyboard will update in real-time; you might discover some other key sequences to type keys you need.


If you want to customize the settings, you can customize keyboard layouts with Ukelele.

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