Due to my disability, I cannot write without the use of a computer. When working with numbers it is often helpful to write arithmetic problems in column format, e.g.

enter image description here

I have never been able to do this without assistance from an able-bodied person.

I recently began looking for a solution to this issue and found LaTeX. Is it possible to write a sum in column format in LaTeX, or is there some other more appropriate tool for this?

Note that I'm not interested in solving the sums with software, I just need to display them in a way which makes them easier for me to work with.


2 Answers 2


I use LaTeX regularly to write papers. It is a very powerful piece of software, but I'm not sure how useful it would be for your needs. Here is the minimum amount of code to write your example:



     5 \\ 
     + 12 \\ 


And the (cropped from A4/Letter) output:

alt text

There are some WYSIWYG editors for LaTeX such as LyX which might make it easier.

  • Thanks for your answer. That looks like exactly what I was after :) Aug 27, 2010 at 4:27

Another option is to use the multirow package:



\multirow{2}{*}{+} & $5$ \\ 
           & $12$ \\ 
    & 17


which produces:

enter image description here

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