I want to be able to authenticate with PAM using a USB drive with a file on it. I've read about how to do this with a PAM module that reads the specific USB hardware ID of a device, but if the device malfunctions or is lost, there would be no way to authenticate. I would prefer to use the method BitLocker uses, requiring a particular file to be found on the drive in order to authenticate. That way I can keep another drive in a secure location as a backup.

Any other suggestions are welcome. I just want to require a higher level of security that just a password.

Edit: The existing pam way (that I don't like): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17571

  • How does "Make the keys on the usb memory stick" imply that it uses the hardware ID of the drive? Dec 22, 2010 at 16:04
  • @Ignacio: The file doc/FAQ in pam_usb source does: "The USB device is both identified by its manufacturer attributes (vendor, product, serial number) and by a few random bytes called one time pads that pam_usb writes and updates on the USB device upon authentication." Dec 22, 2010 at 20:10

2 Answers 2


PAM modules are stackable. It's very easy to configure authentication so that if one module fails, it falls back to asking for a password. So I see no reason for you not to use pam_usb (as suggested in the Ubuntu Forums thread).

auth    sufficient      pam_usb.so
@include common-auth

(Note sufficient as opposed to required)

  • That's true, but I'm trying to require the USB. As in, if someone was to install a keylogger and get the password, they still cannot gain access without the physical device. Dec 22, 2010 at 20:13
  • @themicahmachine: 1) If somebody manages to install a keylogger that affects the login screen, he must already have root access, in which case you're own3d, USB or no USB. 2) A device check like that is merely a check, which can be easily bypassed: the same forum page mentions single-user mode, which skips PAM and only checks shadow. For such checks to work, you would need strict physical security - locked case, restricted bootloader. Dec 22, 2010 at 20:18
  • @themicahmachine: One workaround I can think of is to have one device for yourself and another for root. If you lose device A, login as root and configure a new one. If you lose device B, login as yourself, su(do) to root, configure a new device. // Alternatively, you could require either USB or one-time password (a list of which you stash away in the "backup key" location; there also are PAM modules for token-generated passwords). Dec 22, 2010 at 20:20
  • Good points... I'm marking your answer as correct just for all the good info. It seems like I can accomplish what I want using TrueCrypt and running full-disk encryption and putting the boot loader on a usb stick. No USB = no decrypting the drive. And as far as key loggers... If someone has physical access to the machine they could install a hardware key logger. USB device that goes inline between the keyboard and the computer... undetectable unless you actually look behind the machine. Dec 22, 2010 at 22:40
  • 1
    @themicahmachine: In case of hardware keylogger, even your full-disk encryption password will be logged. (But FDE is still a better option than simple USB check, as with the latter the attacker might be able to boot from his own media, bypassing all other kinds of protection.) Dec 22, 2010 at 23:47

Here is a faq that i typed up a while back. maybe it can be of use.


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