I have two drives with the same files, but the directory structure is totally different.

Is there any way to 'move' all the files on the destination side so that they match the structure of the source side? With a script perhaps?

For example, drive A has:

Whereas drive B has:

The files in question are huge (800GB), so I don't want to re-copy them; I just want to sync the structure by creating the necessary directories and moving the files.

I was thinking of a recursive script that would find each source file on the destination, then move it to a matching directory, creating it if necessary. But that's beyond my abilities ...

Any help greatly appreciated!


  • Is this a one time script, or would this be something that you would need to do on an ongoing/recurring basis?
    – Roy Rico
    Jan 25, 2011 at 1:47
  • Are the filenames unique? That is, can you guarantee that there is only one file named "123.txt"? The answer to this question is the difference "quick and relatively easy" and "slow and somewhat more complex".
    – larsks
    Jan 25, 2011 at 1:53
  • If the file & folder structure is identical at some level, you should be able to use rync.
    – martineau
    Jan 25, 2011 at 5:22
  • @Roy -- I need this from time to time
    – d0g
    Jan 26, 2011 at 4:08
  • @larsks - yes, the filenames are all unique.
    – d0g
    Jan 26, 2011 at 4:09

1 Answer 1


Given that your filenames are unique, this will work, albeit slowly:



# Iterate over all the filenames in the source directory.
(cd $src && find . -type f -print) | while read src_path; do
    src_dir=$(dirname "$src_path")
    src_base=$(basename "$src_path")

    # find the file on the target with the same name.
    tgt_path=$(find $tgt -name "$src_base")

    # skip to next file if there's no matching filename
    # in the target directory.
    [ "$tgt_path" ] || continue

    # create the destination directory and move the file.
    mkdir -p "$tgt/$src_dir"
    mv "$tgt_path" "$tgt/$src_dir"

Note that (a) there's not much error checking going on here, (b) this will take a while if you have a lot of files, and (c) as written, this will probably leave a lot of empty directories in the target.

Here's my limited testing. With a source directory that looks like this:

$ find src -type f

And a target directory that looks like this:

$ find tgt -type f

If I have the above script in a file called reorg.sh and run it like this:

$ sh reorg.sh src tgt

I end up with a target directory that looks like this:

$ find tgt -type f
  • That looks like exactly whay I need! Thank you!
    – d0g
    Jan 27, 2011 at 6:54

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