I recall a partner in a CS class who changed my setup to focus a window on mouse over and that was really handy for programming with a ton of terminals open.

I've seen Dwell Click under accessibility options, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I know that sometimes the GUI control applets have features undisabled that don't really do anything (i.e. WINS) if you don't have the right stuff installed.

How do I get mouse over pretty much just simulate clicking the window.

(Using Fedora 14 with GNOME)

  • 1
    Just deleted my main answer as I misunderstood your question the first few times through. It's called "Raise selected windows after an interval" in System/Preferences/windows, but raising only on title bar is not implemented to my knowledge(I could be wrong).
    – user61724
    Jan 26, 2011 at 19:08
  • @Dan M. That's the answer I was looking for, it's not under "Mouse" it's under "Windows". I had a problem where it said "Window manager "compiz" has not registered a configuration tool", all I had to do to rid myself of that was metacity --replace. Jan 26, 2011 at 19:18
  • Made that the answer
    – user61724
    Jan 26, 2011 at 19:29

3 Answers 3


Pasted from comment above ^^

Just deleted my main answer as I misunderstood your question the first few times through. It's called "Raise selected windows after an interval" in System/Preferences/windows, but raising only on title bar is not implemented to my knowledge(I could be wrong)

  • Yeah, that worked too, just installed gconf-editor, never knew that existed before thanks. Jan 26, 2011 at 19:33
  • No worries, that is nice little tool to muck things up real good :)
    – user61724
    Jan 26, 2011 at 19:35

Run gnome-tweak-tool.

Go to the Windows tab and change the Focus Mode to either Sloppy or Mouse.

For further details:

Install dconf-editor

Run dconf-editor

Navigate to org/gnome/desktop/wm/preferences and check the other Focus options: focus-new-windows, auto-raise and raise-on-click. You can see a nice description


What used to be gnome-tweak-tool is now gnome-tweaks

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
dnf install gnome-tweaks # if under Fedora or Alma Linux

Gnome Tweaks UI

As you can see the "windows" menu gives you the option to focus on hover. I'm using it on my machine and love it.

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