I am using Windows 7 along with Ubuntu 11.10 with a Lenovo B560.

In windows I have BioExcess software which is provided with the operation system. BioExcess provides the facility of keeping all your data in one secure drive which can be opened either using a password or using your fingerprint.

Now whenever I log into the Ubuntu system, I am not able to access that secure drive, but in the partition in which my secure drive data is saved by BioExcess software, there is a file with the extension vmdf. Its size is the same as of my secure partition in Windows.

How can I open this vmdf file in Ubuntu 11.10? Is there any software available for it? Or is there any implementation of BioExcess for it?

I surfed through internet but didn't find any implementation of BioExcess for Ubuntu.

1 Answer 1


There is a Linux version of BioExcess, contact the vendor for details on how to get it.

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