I am on linux/Ubuntu and wondering what is the easiest way to add copyright text to a couple of jpeg images.

2 Answers 2


ImageMagick can add text to images. It probably comes pre-installed on Ubuntu. An example of how to use it from their website:

  convert dragon.gif -gravity south \
          -stroke '#000C' -strokewidth 2 -annotate 0 'Faerie Dragon' \
          -stroke  none   -fill white    -annotate 0 'Faerie Dragon' \

This puts the text at the bottom of dragon.gif, creating a new image anno_outline.jpg. There are lots of text effects that you can read about in the convert documentation.

If you are only doing a couple of images you don't really need a batch file, but if you are doing more, say a whole directory, you can just wrap the command in a for-do loop:

for FILE in *.jpg; do convert $FILE -gravity south -annotate 0 'copyright' new_$FILE; done
  • Great help. just 'do echo' does not work. You need to modify the batch command to something like this: for FILE in *.jpg; do convert $FILE -gravity southeast -stroke '#000C' -strokewidth 2 -annotate 0 'copyright' -stroke none -fill white -annotate 0 'copyright' new_$FILE; done
    – wbad
    May 14, 2012 at 19:50
  • I fixed the command, removing the echo. I'd put it in just to test that the script was correct and forgot to remove the echo before posting! May 14, 2012 at 20:13
  • i think it would be nice if you broke down what the command did, but I agree the effect however it works is pretty cool. Aug 22, 2013 at 2:22
  • also that the bottom command is different from the top is slightly confusing. Aug 22, 2013 at 2:23

Take a look at Image Magick and its convert command. It'll be something like:

convert -caption "(c) 2012 Mr. Photographer" original.jpg copyrighted.jpg

(Diving deeper into Image Magick docs will show ways to do this in bulk so that you can specify something like *.jpg for input files and the output files can be a variant on the original file name so that a.jpg becomes a-copyright.jpg, b.jpg -> b-copyright.jpg, etc)

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