I just upgraded to Lion and I am using bash for the first time (my previous experience is with csh and tcsh). I have encountered unexpected behavior. A simple example is:

  1. I create a file containing the following commands:

    echo PATH BEFORE is $PATH
    export PATH
    echo PATH AFTER is $PATH
  2. I open a terminal (in bash) and execute the file shown above. It echoes the expected result:

    PATH BEFORE is /usr/bin: ...
    PATH AFTER is /usr/local/fortran:/usr/bin ...
  3. I then type:

    echo $PATH

    and /usr/local/fortran is NOT part of the path. I assumed that the export command would make the PATH sticky. Can someone explain why this is not happening?


2 Answers 2


You need to source the file so that the exported variables are accessible to the current shell.

source script-file
echo $PATH

… or add the export command to one of bash's configuration files — In OS X, that'd typically be .bash_profile.

  • @DMF If you want it to stick for every terminal session, see my update to the answer.
    – slhck
    May 20, 2012 at 17:09
  • This is for code that I am embedding in a GUI. I don't (and don't want to) alter things that .bash_profile. Instead, I want to execute that change in $PATH only for the present shell. So, the "source" approach solves the problem.
    – DMF
    May 20, 2012 at 17:35
  • @DMF Alright. Make sure you accept Prince John Wesley's answer by clicking the checkmark next to it! :)
    – slhck
    May 20, 2012 at 17:41


export PATH

in your .bash_profile file.

How do you execute the file containing the command ? Try sourceing it with source (man source)


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