Heres my .Xmodmap:

remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keycode 66 = less greater less greater bar brokenbar bar brokenbar

The greater an less signs are working but the pipe still does not want to. What am I doing wrong here ?

  • Try keycode 66 = less greater bar brokenbar and then press the AltGr key at the same time.
    – William
    Sep 16, 2022 at 2:05

1 Answer 1


How did you configure the Shift_L, ISO_Group_Shift, and ISO_Level3_Shift keys? Notice that not all layers might be available, setxkbmap is the 'stronger' guy through which layers need to be enabled in the first place. See http://grahamwideman.wikispaces.com/linux+--+keyboard+configuration,+xkb or try setxkbmap lv && xmodmap neo_de.xmodmap && xset -r 51 with http://neo-layout.org/neo_de.xmodmap as a working example which has a lot of layers.

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