I'm on a Windows machine using PuTTY to ssh into my schools server. From there I need to slogin -XY machine1 and then slogin -XY machine2.

Ideally, I'd like to use WinSCP to connect and transfer files. I know I can do this by using two copies of PuTTY, one to ssh into the server and create a proxy, and the second PuTTY to connect to the proxy and login to machine1 and create a second proxy. I can then use WinSCP to connect to the proxy server and login to machine2...

Is there a simpler way of doing this?

3 Answers 3


WinSCP has direct support for one hop.
See the Tunnel page of its Advanced site settings dialog.

For the other hop (the first of the two), you can use plink in "local proxy command" feature.

The configuration will look like:

  • 1
    this should be the accepted answer.
    – sjas
    Mar 2, 2020 at 10:07

You can use MobaXterm: it has a graphical sftp function like WinSCP, but it also allows you to go through your machine hops automatically. They call it "SSH bouncing".

You just have to
- download MobaXterm from here: http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/download-home-edition.html
- Click on "New session" and choose "ssh"
- Specify your first machine name or IP address in the "SSH bouncing (connect through a gateway ssh server).


Are machines 1 and 2 unix based? If so, couldn't you just use Unix scp? You wouldn't be able to use winscp to transfer files between two unix based systems anyway.

From source machine,

scp -rp user@hostname:destination_directory /path/to/files

You haven't made it clear exactly where from and where to you want to transfer the files.

  • yes machines 1 and 2 are unix based. I am wanting to transfer files from my windows pc to the machine2.
    – Mike
    Sep 20, 2012 at 5:09
  • Well, you could copy the files into the server first on winscp and then 'scp -rp' to transfer them from the server to machine
    – Jay
    Sep 20, 2012 at 5:18
  • @Jay WinSCP supports SCP, as does PuTTY (pscp -scp, all other SCP params should be the same)
    – JW0914
    Oct 4, 2019 at 11:50

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