I could not find the tool InstallUtil.exe to uninstall a service in Windows 2008 Server. Not sure if there is an alternative tool in Win 2008 Server for services?

By the way, I tried to type InstallUtil in cmd console. The app is not available. Normally, as I recall, I use this tool with /u option to uninstall a service:

 C:\Program Files(86x)\MyApp\InstallUtil /u myService.exe

Not sure where InstallUtil.exe or I have edit my path?

3 Answers 3


Use sc.exe


Try sc delete MyServiceName.

This doesn't rely on the .NET Framework.

Note that this simply deletes the service from the registry - it doesn't do any cleanup or try to stop the service.


I found this one in Windows 2008 Server. It is in the %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\

Normally, this location is not in the environment path. In order to use this one, I may need to create a SDK similar cmd console with this location added to the console path:

 C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /k ""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin\sdkvars.bat""

where I need is to copy that bat file to another location and change the path with above location.


You need the .NET Framework installed on your server for InstallUtil.

If you are running this:

C:\Program Files(86x)\MyApp\InstallUtil /u myService.exe

it will search for InstallUtil in the MyApp directory. You will need to run it like this:

InstallUtil /u "C:\Program Files(86x)\MyApp\myService.exe"

note the necessary quotes as well, since Program Files has a space in it.

  • I think that the .Net Framework should be part of Windows 2008 server. Otherwise, how other services are installed? Sep 30, 2009 at 17:00

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