The only available Remote Desktop Connection application after installation of Windows 8 Pro is the desktop version, but reviewers report the availability of a Metro-styled version, at least on Windows RT. Where can I find it?

1 Answer 1


It's not installed by default, but you can download it from the Windows Store.

  • Just to note that self answers are both in the letter and the spirit of stack exchange rules. There was a slightly mean comment thread earlier, and well self answering is fine. I'm a little iffy on the original question though - it sort of lacks distinctiveness, and really it can't be that hard to search on the windows store. It also opens up the possibility of "how to run X metro app" - which eventually is going to end up with a lot of localised questions. I don't think the downvotes are warranted in any case.
    – Journeyman Geek
    Oct 27, 2012 at 1:14
  • Thank you @JourneymanGeek. I would like to add that "how to run X metro app" doesn't exactly apply here since in Windows RT the application is installed by default, which might lead to confusion (and did in my case).
    – Dzinx
    Oct 27, 2012 at 6:59

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