I'm using a simple Euclidian distance formula sqrt((a-b)^2 + (c-d)^2) and I have more than 60,000 data in my each excel sheet. Instead of dragging mouse (which is very inconvenient for this large number of data) how can I define the range of records? For example my formula looks like -


And also, to popolate the result in 60000 rows, where should I write the formula?

  • You can use copy paste instead of dragging. Dec 11, 2012 at 0:01
  • Not sure what are you talking about.. I assume i have to copy the formula but where should I paste?
    – Pow
    Dec 11, 2012 at 0:06
  • 12
    Enter the first formula and select that cell, then double-click the little box in the bottom-right corner of that cell. That will fill down the formula as far as there is something in the cell to the left of the formula cell.
    – Tim Williams
    Dec 11, 2012 at 0:20

1 Answer 1


For the sake of an answer (as such). To avoid the issue that double-clicking only fills down as far as one row short of the first empty cell in the column immediately to the left:

  1. Home > Editing - Find & Select, Go To, enter B60000 as Reference, OK.
  2. Enter something ('z' will do).
  3. Return to topmost cell containing the desired formula, copy it, select the cell immediately below it, Ctrl+Shift+Down and Paste.

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