How can I minimise the active program on Windows 8, using a keyboard shortcut?

Win+down isn't good:

  • if the program is maximised, it un-maximises it before, and I don't want that
  • if the selected window isn't the main one, it doesn't work at all

Also Alt+space+N doesn't always work.

  • Win + D ? That works since win95
    – mveroone
    Sep 2, 2013 at 14:08
  • @Kwaio nope, that minimises all the windows, i.e. "shows desktop". I just want to minimise the active one.
    – o0'.
    Sep 2, 2013 at 14:09
  • My bad, misread. Win + down should work... could the Win key be disabled by BIOS ?
    – mveroone
    Sep 2, 2013 at 14:10
  • @Kwaio nope, it doesn't work for two reasons, as I wrote in the post.
    – o0'.
    Sep 2, 2013 at 14:11
  • What do you mean by "not the main one" ? (and i think the first point can't be addressed)
    – mveroone
    Sep 2, 2013 at 14:13

3 Answers 3


If you want to reduce any window to the system tray, I can heartily recommend RBTray.

From their website:

RBTray is a small Windows program that runs in the background and allows almost any window to be minimized to the system tray by right clicking its minimize button.

You can put the program in your startup folder and it will always run in the background. To access your startup folder, type shell:startup into explorer.

if you want to minimize a window, you could hit alt-space and this will show a menu in which you can press a letter (depending on your language) to minimize the window.

  • I wanted to minimise, I edited the post (didn't know the correct term, sorry).
    – o0'.
    Sep 2, 2013 at 14:06
  • 1
    ok, and I just saw you also mentioned that alt space doesn't always work, rendering my second edit irrelevant. Please ignore.
    – tmkadamcz
    Sep 2, 2013 at 14:12

This can be partly done using AutoHotKey, with this script:

#v::WinMinimize, A

It only minimises the active window, instead of minimising all the windows of the active program, but that's a start.


This is one of my most oft-used autohotkey tricks. Just aim your mouse at the target window and it gets minimised.

Alt & LButton::

    ; window ID under the cursor (not necessarily active!) 
    MouseGetPos, TB_X, TB_Y, TB_ID

    ; get the class of the window under the cursor
    WinGetClass, TB_Class, ahk_id %TB_ID%

    WinMinimize, ahk_id %TB_ID%


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