I'm looking for a solution where I can examine thousands of strings that share some similarity and have it discover appropriate regex pattern(s) that will give a 100% match on all strings?

The catch is that I need to process about 10 categories of thousands of strings, so I need to repeat this discovering for all categories -- and of course -- the patterns for category A can't have matches in category B.

  • The software you want does not exist. Even if it did the regular expression would be horrible and could never match a string 100% of the time.
    – Ramhound
    Oct 1, 2013 at 16:49
  • There probably is software which attempts to do this, but I agree that such a thing would probably not produce meaningful results most of the time. This page makes the same argument.
    – Arkanon
    Feb 1, 2014 at 19:26


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