What software can take a snapshot of a Win XP or Win 7 machine -- burning all files into a DVD-R, and then

  1. be able to boot from that DVD-R
  2. can restore the whole machine back to that state stored inside the DVD-R?

Maybe for Win XP, it is easier as the OS can be just 1 or 2GB on the hard drive, but for Win 7, a fresh installation is already 16GB on the hard drive, so it will need several DVD-R to take the snapshot? thanks.

(any of these software are open source?)

  • use synchronisation
    – joe
    Nov 4, 2009 at 14:07

1 Answer 1


There is software out there that can do exactly what you're asking!

  1. DriveImageXML FREE
  2. NortonGhost NOT FREE

These both support boot from CD.

  • thanks. do they back up your pagefile and hibernation files too? say if you boot from those DVD-R and then ... will it create pagefile and put on your hard disk when running? Nov 4, 2009 at 15:09
  • It will backup whatever state your drive is in when you perform the backup. That includes the pagefile and hibernationfile if your drive is in a hibernated state. Nov 5, 2009 at 2:59

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