Trying to create a direct link to an IRC channel with double octothorpes (##).

Freenode policy dictates off-topic channels require ## before the channel name.

This O'Reilly 'hack' post gives solid instructions for how to link to a channel and open in the default client on a system, but no guidance for channels with doubles.

Links to single channels are formatted as "irc://irc-server:port/channel?key"

1 Answer 1


A bit of a hack to figure this one out, but I managed.

By going to webchat.freenode.net I was able to create a webchat link to the channel successfully. What I noticed was when created, the webchat created link had "?channels=%23%236.00.1x" appended for the channel (the channel I was trying to link to was ##6.00.1x).

Modifying this slightly left me with: "irc://chat.freenode.net/%23%236.00.1x" for the channel.

Doing a bit more research for this post led me to a w3schools.com article about URL Enconding References for ASCII Characters.

Perhaps a newbie question and answer, but a process none the less.

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